Excellent exposé on the deranged socialist/collectivist mindset, which results in real harm to children. Another reminder that, as Michael Malice says, collectivists not only regard your property as their property, but also regard your children as their property.

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That's a great Malice quote with which I was unfamiliar. I would add that such thinking also is wrapped in the guise of "for your (and your children's) own good," as if others can possibly know what is best for someone else. I just had a friendly disagreement with someone the other day when that person said to me how terrible it is that X% of fifth graders cannot read at grade level, to which I replied, "Why is it terrible?" After a bit of back and forth about skills needed for life, etc., we finally got to the crux of the matter: This person had an arbitrary notion of what a "fifth grader" should know and be able to do based simply on his/her own experience and beliefs, nothing more. I tried to help this person to see that having those beliefs and their attendant actions for one's own children should be freely accepted but that applying those beliefs and actions to others' children is simply force. I'm unsure if I won this person over, but I think I made headway to show that even the beliefs about education seemingly rooted in the best of intentions turn malign immediately when applied to other people's children through force and servitude.

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